The Seventh International Congress of Dacology:

“Decebal 2006”

June 28-29, 2006
Bucuresti, România

Dacia Revival International Society

21-26 Broadway, New York, NY 11106, U.S.A.

Phone: (718) 932- 1700 or 031 810 6172; FAX: (718) 728- 7635;

E- mail:  Website:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Dacia Revival International Society has the great honor to invite you to participate at the 7th International Congress of Dacology “Decebal” 2006. The Congress will take place Thursday and Friday, June 28 – June 29, 2006, at the Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest, Romania, under sponsorship of the Intercontinental Hotel Company.

As always, formal sessions and related Congress programs will cover multiple aspects of Dacian History. These many and varied opportunities for intellectual exchange will mark the current state of research and suggest its future direction, while giving both established scholars and younger members a forum to present their work.

The scientific program of the Congress includes the following topics:

1 -The Personality and Symbolism of the Legendary Dacian King Decebal.
Moderator:  Napoleon Săvescu şi Timotei Ursu

2 - Miscellaneous Aspects of Dacian History.
Moderator: G. D. Iscru

3 - The Dacian Culture and Civilization as Reflected in Mythology, Beliefs, Traditions, Folklore, Medicine, Literature and Art.
Moderator: Viorica Enăchiuc


We expect participation of scientists from Albania, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Israel, Italy, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, USA and other countries.

The working languages of the Congress are Romanian and English.

Important dates

Deadline for abstract: April 15, 2006
Acceptance notice: June 1, 2005


Please consult for updates, changes and additions.


Director of the Organizing Committee
Andrei Banica


Please send the confirmation of your participation, together with an abstract of the work you intend to present at the Congress, not more than 2 pages long (font Times New Roman) in electronic format at  sau or as a CD/diskette/paper by mail at:

Dacia Revival International

Str. Orzari nr. 15
Bucharest, 021551

-in attn. Andrei Banica


Telephone: +40 726 113 151

                   +40 21 315 7282

Fax:            +40 21 321 5354



The abstract of the work should comply with the organizer’s instructions:


  1. The work should be essentially new and unpublished.
  2. You must fill in the “Participation form” (you can find it at and send it together with the abstract of your work. Please fill in the following: name of the author, affiliation with any institution, complete address, telephone, fax, e-mail.
  3. The abstract should be filled as shown in the Guide, should contain not have more than 300 words, and must clearly indicate the subject of the work, the methodology and the conclusions.
  4. The abstract of the work (in 2 copies if written on paper) will be sent by mail, e-mail or on a diskette/CD by April 15 2006.


The works that will be presented at the Congress may be 10-15 pages long, but the reading should not exceed 20 minutes. The moderator will limit the time at the podium to strictly 20 minutes.


NOTE: The sending of the abstract will be considered a commitment from the author to participate at the Congress, if the work is accepted by the scientific commission.


If you have any questions regarding the 7th International Congress of Dacology “Decebal 2006”, please contact us directly or by e-mail.


We will be honored to have you by our side at this Congress and share with you the impressions and academic conclusions that will follow.